Bash substrings – just can’t figure it out…

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at
Tue Jan 31 18:31:06 UTC 2012

On Tue, 31 Jan 2012 19:07:20 +0100
Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at> wrote:

> I have an example here:
> File="03. Rock Nuts.flac"
> echo "${File##N*s}"
> The result should be ”03. Rock .flac”, shouldn't it? Obviously not,
> because the result is ”03. Rock Nuts.flac”, which is exactly the
> original string.
> So what am I missing?

Knowing little about BASH, I'm nevertheless immediately drawn to the
fact that your example is missing the space you wish in our output.

Cybe R. Wizard
Strength through Unity.
Unity through faith.
	Adam Sutler

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