Can't open Banshee in GUI

Tim Edwards liststuff at
Mon Jan 30 08:25:26 UTC 2012

On Sun, Jan 29, 2012, at 06:48 PM, jimmckenzie at wrote:
> I have an odd problem.  I can't open Banshee from the GUI. I can open as
> SUDO from the Command Line just fine but the GUI is a no go.
> I don't know where any diagnostic infos are to be posted on this list.
> AFAIK there are no tutorials on line for fixing this sort of thing. 
> Maybe it's just me but it seems like there would or at least should be. 
> Anyway I'll gladly post the log file[s] if that'll help.
> As always, Any/All help will be appreciated.

Are you running the KDE desktop (Kubuntu)? If so there's a well known
bug in Banshee where it crashes with the default theme for GTK apps. To
workaround this problem:
Start System Settings then go to Application Appearance->GTK+
Appearance->Widget Style and change the widget style to something else. 
I'd suggest installing the packages kde-style-qtcurve and
gtk2-engines-qtcurve using the Software Centre and then selecting
'QTCurve' as the style, but choose one that looks good to you.


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