headphones work, speakers broken

Thufir Hawat hawat.thufir at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 04:20:24 UTC 2012

I followed the Ubuntu sound guide and fiddled with settings endlessly.  
Result:  now headphones work, but no sound from speakers.

The background is that this box worked fine in June, but was powered off 
until Christmas, at which time I noted that sound was broken.  Since then 
I've upgraded the OS to 11.04.  After going through the Ubuntu sound 
page, I noticed that connecting/disconnecting the speakers then caused a 
bit of static, which I don't *think* it did before.

Anyhow, now, headphones work. I'm 99% sure that the speakers themselves 
are fine.  Assuming so, is there a setting or configuration?  Since they 
use the same jack (don't they?) I don't see what difference it can 
possibly make.



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