Backing up files on a badly malware infested computer.
Liam Proven
lproven at
Thu Jan 26 14:33:42 UTC 2012
On 26 January 2012 05:07, Bill Stanley <bstanle at> wrote:
>>> That's a bad thing. The BIOS may have been infected. Did you check the
>>> boot order (CD player, HDD, USB, etc)?
> An expert of removing viruses said that BIOS viruses are rare.
That's true.
> As such, I
> am assuming that there isn't one.
Probably a safe bet. The little malware I know that affects firmware
tends to render the motherboard permanently unusable, anyway.
> I did succeed in putting a new operating
> system in.
Which OS, though?
> While I was at it, I put in an unused HD that I had and that HD
> became the master drive (C:) with her old drive becoming F:.
Are these IDE or SATA drives?
> When I tried
> deleting the old installation except for the data directories I was not able
> to delete those two files for Adobe Reader. No matter how hard I try, they
> are still there.
>From which OS? From Windows, booted off the HD, or from Linux, booted
either off CD or off the HD?
> It would be
> nice to get rid of these files because they are preventing me from doing an
> efficient defrag of the disk. ( CURSE YOU ADOBE! )
Try using a Linux boot CD. It will nuke files that Windows will not
allow itself to touch.
Liam Proven • Profile:
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