jedit not appearing in task bar

Shawn Pringle shawn.pringle at
Sat Jan 21 16:31:41 UTC 2012

On 01/21/2012 12:33 PM, Vampire wrote:
> For me jEdit is shown like any other application in the Gnome taskbar
> in Ubuntu 9.10 or in the Launcher bar in Unity of later Ubuntus.
> Nothing special should be necessary here.
> Regards
> Vampire
> PS: Please CC me in answers, I'm not subscribed to the list
I am using Ubuntu 10.10 (the default distro).  I tend to open files at
the command line with jEdit while the other programs I just click to
open.  Perhaps, I should open the editor with the GUI and then open
files from the command-line after.

Hmm... it seems to work.  Maybe nothing from the command line goes into
the task bar.

Shawn Pringle

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