Youtube/Firefox Foulup??

John Graddy jwgraddy at
Sat Jan 21 03:05:01 UTC 2012

On 01/20/2012 08:37 PM, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 21/01/12 13:24, John Graddy wrote:
>> On 01/20/2012 06:50 PM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>> On 21/01/12 02:10, John Graddy wrote:
>>>> On 01/19/2012 09:43 PM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>> [pruned]
>>>>> Look, I'll give you this link and see if this comes up:
>>>>> (from the movie Natural Born Killers - listen to it and the lyrics.)
>>>>> BC
>>>> The video that you sent did exactly the same as the video in my 
>>>> original email.
>>>> I disabled the plugin Flash 11.1 and both play just fine.
>>>> I don't understand!  When I disable a plugin what does it do?  
>>>> Remove the plugin?  Restore the previous version?  I didn't thing 
>>>> youtube videos would work at all without the flashplayer installed.
>>> Sounds like that there is a mix-up in which is 
>>> being used by your Flashplayer.
>>> In Firefox, type this in the URL box (the one where you type in, eg, 
>>> about:plugins
>>> and a list of your plugins will be shown. Have a look at which 
>>> Flashplayer version is installed and used by Firefox The latest is 
>>> 11.1 r102. It will also be using the file Now, go 
>>> thru the full list of the plugins because there may be another 
>>> version of Flashplayer still hanging around - make sure that it is 
>>> or is not (I bet that there is v10 still hanging around - and this 
>>> is also using *a* file). Check this out to start 
>>> with.
>>> What has happened in the past, at least at my end, is that after 
>>> installing Flashplayer the symlink to point to the correct, latest, 
>>> was not altered and the latest version of Flash 
>>> was picking up the old and....naturally Flash 
>>> would not work.
>>> Check about:plugins to begin with.
>>> BC
>> when I do the "about:plugins", I get:
>> application/x-shockwave-flash     Shockwave Flash     swf
>> application/futuresplash     FutureSplash Player     spl
>> What is that all about?
> File formats (file extensions) used by Adobe.
> What you need is the bit ABOVE this which shows which version of Flash 
> you have installed.
> BC
when I look at the list of all plugins, It appears that the only version 
of flash installed is 11.1 r102.  That's the one that I disabled.

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