[Resolved] Re: video problems in Ubuntu

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Sat Jan 21 01:19:46 UTC 2012

On 21/01/12 11:35, Douglas Pollard wrote:
> On 01/19/2012 11:41 PM, NoOp wrote:
>> On 01/19/2012 06:11 PM, Douglas Pollard wrote:
>>> On 01/19/2012 04:10 PM, NoOp wrote:
>> ...
>>>> Export just finished&   results in a 1.4 GB (1527549952 bytes) mpeg 
>>>> video
>>>> file:
>>>> $ ls BerlinProject.dvd -al
>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 gg gg 1527549952 2012-01-19 12:58 BerlinProject.dvd
>>>> $ file BerlinProject.dvd
>>>> BerlinProject.dvd: MPEG sequence, v2, program multiplex
>>>> Again Douglas, I suspect that you are experiencing a thermal shutdown.
>>>     Thanks No0p and every one else that made suggestions,  I took 
>>> the fan
>>> and heat sink off.  I had vacuumed it.  I blew it out all out and
>>> started to put it together and found what looked like a sewing thread
>>> where the heat sink makes contact with the processor. I cleaned the
>>> contact surface good and replaced the the thermal grease that i had 
>>> left
>>> back when I replaced the fan this past summer.   I started her up
>>> exporting a file and watched the temperture rise with the sensor 
>>> program
>>> from 42deg. to 58 and stopped right there. Beautiful.
>>>                                      Thanks all.     Problem solved.
>> Excellent! Don't forget come back and post a link to your finished
>> project when you are done.
> Ok, I have another problem related to Open shot and outputting of 
> video. The computer runs cool and great.   Openshot crashes. Again I 
> only have one gig of ram I will fix that tomorrow by installing four 
> gigs, if my computer can use IT??  I also found I only have 885 mgs of 
> swap space on my drive and I would like to increase that to maybe 
> 2gigs. Open Shot is now using 100% of the swap file.   Gparted seems 
> to be able to add more space.  I can't  unmount the drive with ubuntu 
> running in it.  I am working on my second drive in 11.04  Can I run 
> Gparted in 10.04 on first drive and change the swap file size on the 
> second drive.  Also, will I loose Files or will it just use free space.

Did you check your RAM as I already suggested?

Go here:


download this version (there is a later version but use this one as I am 
told that it has some utilities now not available on the newer versions) 
and create a CD. Use it for what you want to do.


It is in the nature of things that every time you try to avoid one danger you run into another.
                            Niccolo Machiavelli

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