Unable to play Soundcloud audio streams on Ubuntu 11.10 64bit

sdavmor sdavmor at systemstheory.net
Thu Jan 19 23:39:41 UTC 2012

When I connect to my Soundcloud site (or any Soundcloud site) I get
the following message:

"Hey, it seems your browser can't play SoundCloud audio streams. If
you can, please take a moment to upgrade your browser or Flash Player
plugin. Thanks for your understanding!"

I am running Ubuntu 11.10 64bit. Up to date on patches, and up to date
on the Flash Player plugin (I checked the rev level at the Flash site
and it's fine).

Anyone else getting this? Anyone have a solution? I want to change
some of the tracks we offer there in readiness for the new Systems
Theory album. Not being able to hear anything is a big hole in the road!

What make it even more confusing is that if I use the Soundcloud
Facebook widget for streaming music all the tunes play correctly.

Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
Systems Theory project website: http://systemstheory.net
find us on MySpace, GarageBand, Reverb Nation, Last FM, CDBaby
free MP3s of Systems Theory, Mike Dickson & Greg Amov music at

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