fresh install ---blooming DVD drive not recognized AGAIN

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Mon Jan 16 01:17:53 UTC 2012

On 16/01/12 07:00, Ric Moore wrote:
> On 01/13/2012 08:12 AM, Ioannis Vranos wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 7:59 AM, Ric Moore<wayward4now at>  
>> wrote:
>>> If anyone recalls, please clue me in.
>>> I am in the cdrom group and added myself to DVD as well. Still no 
>>> go. It
>>> just won't recognize a movie DVD and yes, I have libdvdcss installed.
>> I suggest installing it from medibuntu repository, along with
>> non-free-codecs metapackage.
> Been there, done that, but thanks anyway. Here's what I ~think~ is the 
> nitty-gritty. I had an older IDE cable hooked up during install. This 
> machine is a second backup machine until my ASUS MB comes back from 
> ASUS. But, I want it working an on my local net for devel purposes, as 
> a client machine as a test platform. DVD not playing DVD movies at 
> all. It will accept a data DVD like the install DVD and automount it 
> no prob. But, I found this:
> ric at ima:~$ sudo hdparm /dev/sr0
> [sudo] password for ric:
> /dev/sr0:
>  multcount     =  0 (off)
>  IO_support    =  0 (default)
>  readonly      =  0 (off)
>  readahead     = 256 (on)
>  HDIO_GETGEO failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
> ric at ima:~$
> What the heck?? No DMA, no nuttin'. So, I replaced the IDE cable with 
> a newer fat one. But, the system still thinks I'm running the older 
> cable:
>  3.544424] ata7.00: limited to UDMA/33 due to 40-wire cable
> [    3.572419] ata6.00: n_sectors mismatch 40130390 != 40132503
> [    3.572421] ata6.00: new n_sectors matches native, probably late 
> HPA unlock, n_sectors updated
> [    3.572426] ata6: nv_mode_filter: 0x739f&0x739f->0x739f, 
> BIOS=0x7000 (0xc000c500) ACPI=0x701f (60:900:0x11)
> [    3.576354] ata7.00: configured for UDMA/33
> [    3.588525] ata6.00: configured for UDMA/33
> [    3.588528] ata6: EH complete
> Before I go exploding stuff, if anyone has a clue how to get the 
> system to auto-refresh itself, I'd appreciate the clue!! Thanks, Ric

Yesterday, after several frustrating hours where I could not get my 
wife's computer to work properly (I had to move the system into a new 
box - don't ask :-) ), I realised that one should prepare a check list 
of what to do when tackling a damn computer's innards and tick them off 
as the work progresses :-( .

I couldn't get the darn thing to work properly because......I had 
forgotten to check that the jumpers on the HDs and the CDROM and DVD 
burner were correctly set :-( .

So, are your jumpers all set correctly?

Secondly, you state above that you use a "newer fat one" IDE cable. This 
means that rather than use the 80-wire cable you regressed to the old 
40-wire cable - which is why you are getting the message that your UDMA 
is now only 33 "due to 40-wire cable". Switch back to the 80-wire cable 
(make sure that it is 40cm long and no longer; the longer cables create 
an data echo which degrades your date transfer.

A word of "BTW": even if you use 80-wire cables there is still the 
possibility that the kernel decides not recognise that you are using 
80-wire cable(s) and configures your HD/CDROMs to have UDMA33. In dmesg 
log file do a search for "ata0 [or ata1]" or "Configured as or for 
"40-wire cable". If you find this but ARE in fact using 80-wire cable(s) 
then insert this into the boot line in menu.lst:


where "1" is for channel #1 and "2" is for channel #2 - note that you 
use a "," between 1 and 2.

Rather than insert the above into menu.lst you can add this command on 
boot up when the grub menu comes up - just type it in as an additional 

(This "bug" is a long standing one going back to at least 2006 if I 
recall correctly.)


It is easy to convince people of something, but hard to keep them 
convinced. Niccolo Machiavelli

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