flash player question
Basil Chupin
blchupin at iinet.net.au
Wed Jan 11 13:50:10 UTC 2012
On 12/01/12 00:03, G. wrote:
> I went to http://www.posespace.com/posetool/default.aspx (this is for
> artist's models not porn) and it is asking me to get the flash plug
> in. If you follow the link you get to Adobe's page. Checking
> software center I already have Adobe Flash Plugin but not Adobe Flash
> Plugin 10 installed. The former seems to be for 64 bit systems, which
> mine is not, so I installed 10. I get the same message on the
> previously referenced site.
> I checked both Chrome and Firefox and both gave the same message, and
> both have Flash enabled.
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> gary
Of course you wear boxing gloves when you go to this site, right?
What you don't mention is which version of Ubuntu (and whether it is
64-bit or 32-bit) you are using and which version of Firefox. The latest
version of Flash is 11.
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