touch pad dies

Liam Proven lproven at
Thu Jan 5 14:28:34 UTC 2012

On 5 January 2012 06:44, G. <pegngaryubuntu at> wrote:
> On Unbuntu 11.10, the touch pad stops working sometimes.  This happens
> with the laptop closed about 50% of the time.  I had it happen once or
> twice with Firefox or another application running.  This is probably
> not related, but when I am typing the cursor moves to different places
> on the screen.  Say I am typing in the subject field in an email,  It
> will sometimes fly into the To field or into the body of the email.
> It will sometimes highlight whole areas of text and as I am continuing
> to type those areas are deleted.  This does not happen if I turn off
> the touch pad.  I have slowed down the touch pad to try to prevent
> this from happening to no avail.
> I am using a Samsung Netbook N110.
> I do not know what other info you might need.  Please advise.

I have the same problem. New with 11.10, AFAICT. It is /very/ annoying.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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