Unity Interface sucks, Any alternatives

Juan R. de Silva juan.r.d.silva at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 01:41:39 UTC 2012

On Mon, 02 Jan 2012 19:15:18 +0000, Liam Proven wrote:

> And the longer LTS release - which just means supporting the desktop for
> as long as the server has always been, that's all ...

Pay attention to the fact that GNOME 3.4 will be released a month before 
Ubuntu LTS, but Canonical decision was to skip it and release the next 
with GNOME 3.2.

The all at a sudden (?) longer LTS release also means that Ubuntu users 
who prefer GNOME Shell interface over Unity will have to stuck with GNOME 
3.2 for 5 years instead of usual 3.

IMHO, it's quite explicitly meant to cut off GNOME Shell and aimed to 
promoting Unity. And, though I personally prefer Unity over GNOME Shell, 
I do not find it fair towards Ubuntu users. The damn right to decide 
which interface to use should be left to them. 

IMHO pushing to much at times seems disrespectful to users, and Canonical 
should never forget that, at least partially, they owe their success to 
their users.

> In other words: sheesh, people, calm down and stop overreacting!

I agree there is a lot of overreaction going on around. But 
unfortunately, Canonical contributes to it quite a bit (read above). It 
is MHO that Canonical has all the rights to drive Ubuntu to whatever they 
see and feel is the right direction. However a little bit more of 
diplomacy dealing with the users that contributed to their success would 
never harm.

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