root user

doug dmcgarrett at
Sun Jan 1 18:55:36 UTC 2012

On 01/01/2012 01:47 PM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
> 2012/1/1 doug<dmcgarrett at>:
>> I'm trying to learn something here:  as I understand it, sudo
>> gives you root privileges, so what's the difference between
>> su (password) and sudo (password) except that sudo
>> privileges disappear after 5 minutes, and su leaves you
>> in root forever unless you type exit.  What am I missing?
>> (I am mostly using a distro other than Ubuntu, which does
>> not let me have sudo anymore 8-(   . I would really like to
>> have it back!)
>> --doug
> I guess the su-people means that it's a little bit annoying having to
> type ”sudo” in front of every command instead of typing ”su” only
> once. TO me it became a habit, so it doesn't bother me much.
> Kind regards
> Johnny Rosenberg
> ジョニー・ローゼンバーグ
sudo is supposed to remain in effect for 5 minutes, altho I
understand that the timeout can be changed. So, if
it remains in effect, you don't have to keep typing sudo
for every command, if they're consecutive.  I used to
have sudo in pclos, bu the more recent releases have
made it impossible.  I found it was very useful, and I
never corrupted my system using it.  (I have corrupted
my system trying to get it back!)


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