Creating a new ARM/AVR platform

Richard Owlett rowlett at
Wed Feb 29 17:41:50 UTC 2012

Jacob Mansfield wrote:
> On 29 Feb 2012, at 17:12, Liam Proven wrote:
>> No offence, but I think that at this point you sound woefully unready
>> for a development project of this scale.
>> Firstly, you need a list of requirements.
>> What is the product to do?
> The product is designed to monitor the conditions in a server room, and
> report data back to a monitoring server at our HQ. it will also use
> relays to control devices over a proprietary protocol we have developed.
>> How much will it cost?
> We aim to sell the product for £500
> [SNIP]

And what will differentiate your product from Honeywell, 
Allen Bradly, Trane, Carrier, etc etc? Does someone in your 
firm have the control systems background to tune the system?

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