is there a list for general discussions?
Dave Woyciesjes
woyciesjes at
Tue Feb 28 20:26:23 UTC 2012
On 02/28/2012 02:52 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
> On 02/28/2012 01:17 PM, Liam Proven wrote:
>> On 28 February 2012 17:43, Gerhard Magnus<magnus at> wrote:
>>> I've noticed this list is specifically for technical support issues. Is
>>> there another ubuntu list for users of the gnome/unity desktop
>>> wanting to
>>> discuss more general matters? (Things that are ubuntu related, of
>>> course.)
>> The Bike Shed, which is Ubuntu Sounder reborn: bikeshed at
> Great list, I second that Liam. We do discuss all sorts of things,
> including computers. :) Ric
And if you're brave (or is it foolhardy?), there is always MandrakeOT: (yeah, parts of this page are outdated...
Gotta get on Mark about that...)
--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes
--- CompTIA A+ Certified IT Tech -
--- HDI Certified Support Center Analyst -
Registered Linux user number 464583
"Computers have lots of memory but no imagination."
"The problem with troubleshooting is that trouble shoots back."
- from some guy on the internet.
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