alternate (RAID1) install

Rashkae ubuntu at
Mon Feb 27 22:36:54 UTC 2012

On 02/27/2012 04:52 PM, James wrote:
> I can use the gui front end to set up
> the Raid1 partitions on both disk, but then
> they are do not have  the file systems
> (ext4 and swap) nor the mount points.

This is probably the easiest way to go.  Use the gui to create the 
partitions and Raid array, then install on those partitions.  When you 
are in the text-based installer, you have to choose "Configure a Raid 
Array" for the installer to search for and detect the array.  Then you 
can choose the individual md devices to install /, /boot and Swap on.  
(Note, if you are installing / on a Raid 1 array, there is little reason 
to install /boot on it's own partition.  I would personally install 
/home on it's own partition instead.)

There is an important caveat.  When you are creating partitions in the 
Gui, make certain that the last partition does not reach the end of the 
disk.  That is to say, assuming the partition program is now aligning 
the partitions to MiB boundaries, you should shrink the last partition 
so there is 1 MiB of unpartitioned space at the the end of the drive.  I 
don't know if things have changed since the new installers, but trying 
to install Ubuntu 10.04 without doing this can be disastrous, (depending 
on which version of the raid superblock was installed when creating the 
array, but here things just get technical and messy.)

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