Icecat 7.0.1 shuts down unexpected very often

user1 bqz69 at
Sun Feb 26 08:35:35 UTC 2012

On Sat, 25 Feb 2012 16:14:59 +0000, Colin Law wrote:

> On 25 February 2012 16:01, user1 <bqz69 at> wrote:
>> and icecat shut down again once more just after another shutdown:
> I don't think you will get much help just by repeatedly posting the
> error.  I don't think you have have replied to all the suggestions
> earlier in the thread (running memtest for example, and the possibility
> of upgrading icecat).  I suggest you go back through the thread and make
> sure you have responded to all the previous suggestions.  You will just
> annoy people by continuously posting the error.
> Another test to try is to log on as a different user and try it then.
> Also if there are any plugins in icecat then disable them all and see if
> it still fails.
> Colin

SORRY I thought the experts might use the info, just had another shutdown 
when following a twitter link - I shall stop immediately :-)
Hoping to get a better firefox when 12.04 arrives?

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