moderation. was: The New Face of Ubuntu

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Sat Feb 25 04:49:11 UTC 2012

Only one course of action to follow from now on, old boy, and that is to 
top-post every and each time.

Why try and impose on yourself, and others, some mythical rule which 
does not exist?


On 25/02/12 07:33, Ric Moore wrote:


> Seemingly the "guidelines" are a moving target. There USED to be an 
> official sanction against top posting. Then it was removed. Then it 
> was said to be re-instated. I don't see it now. It's JARRING to be 
> reading nicely trimmed bottom post responses then WHAM! A top post, 
> followed by another. It hurts my head. It makes the list a mishmash. 
> Is there an ~official guideline~ regarding that now?? Ric

I'd rather live one more day as a wolf than an entire life as a lamb.

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