Automount of USB drives not working

Ric Moore wayward4now at
Fri Feb 24 21:34:21 UTC 2012

On 02/24/2012 02:16 PM, Chris Green wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 10:56:13AM +0800, Zind wrote:
>>     On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 3:44 AM, Chris Green<[1]cl at>  wrote:
>>       I've just discovered that automounting of USB drives isn't working on my
>>       xubuntu 11.10 system.
>>       I can see the device with lsusb:-
>>       A  A Bus 002 Device 005: ID 0951:1607 Kingston Technology DataTraveler
>>       100
>>       but no sign of it automounting.
>>       The "Mount removable drives when hot-plugged" setting is ticked and it
>>       always used to work (though I'm not absolutely sure it has worked
>>       since A I upgraded to 11.10).
>>       Any ideas?
>>     Well,
>>     IMO, it may be a matter of your USB drive.
>>     Linux may not recognize some kinds of file system format, for example, if
>>     you USB drive is formatted to be used as a Windows PE boot disc.
>>     Does your USB drive work properly before the upgrade? Do you change the
>>     file system format of your USB drive?
> It's a drive that works in other Linux boxes, not to mention that I
> tried several USB (and other) flash drives, *none* of them automounted.
>>     Myabe you can try your USB drive on another Linux OS machine and see
>>     whether your USB drive can be mounted automatically.
> Yes, did that too, and it worked.

Mine used to do that, until I added a "notification" applet to my panel. 
Somehow I managed to remove it, dinking around with my panel bar, and I 
got no notifications or automount behavior until I re-installed it. 
Using 11.10 Xubuntu. Ah's called "Mount Devices". and puts a 
little hard drive looking icon on the panel.

Huh, just noticed that adding "Indicator Plugin" adds a "Network 
Indicator Plugin", which is not a "system notification" in my mind.
Huh... the icon should have an "i" on it, from the installer, but I keep 
getting two up-down arrows. Gonna have to check on that one. Ric


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