Installing Ubuntu via Wubi and getting Orca up and running automatically

Liam Proven lproven at
Fri Feb 24 18:26:01 UTC 2012

On 24 February 2012 13:28, chris hallsworth <christopherh40 at> wrote:
> Hello all.
> First post to this list after being on here for a few days. I have joined as
> I want to get back into the world of Ubuntu. I am a former computer studies
> student, obtained a certificate as a result, so should be smart enough
> smiles.
> Because I don't wish to use Ubuntu full time, I would rather install it in
> some safe environment, like via Wubi, the Ubuntu installer program for
> Windows. Now, I sort of have this to work, by choosing Braille in the
> accessibility part of the installer. However, when I reboot, I am asked to
> select a Braille display connection, like USB. Since I do not have one, do I
> choose exit and if so will Orca still come up automatically, both before and
> after log in?
> I realize there is Vinux, but there is no real safe way to install, except
> in a virtual environment. This is good, however it is sometimes nice to try
> things on a physical set up, due to native hardware support, improved
> performance, etc.
> Thank you in advance for any enquiries. It will be greatly appreciated.

I have not tried Orca in WUBI but it should work pretty much as normal.

I am not sure off the top of my head how you run Orca in current
versions, but I can find out later, when I'm home, & will try to
answer then. Once you've opened it, there is a tick-box option within
the program to make it run at startup in future. It's also worth
setting it to log in automatically, as I don't think it can read the
setup screen.

But to be honest, I had better experiences with Vimux. It adds in some
useful extras, such as a console screenreader so that you can use the
system from the text terminal, without the graphical user interface
running at all. It's still not wonderful though - it's significantly
less accessible than Windows, in my experience.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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