Boot with boot messages

Jkhatri khatri.jatin at
Fri Feb 24 04:52:19 UTC 2012

On Friday 24 February 2012 08:48 AM, Dustin Oprea wrote:
> If you were a little less lazy, you could have done a search for 
> "ubuntu remove boot splash", and would have seen, as the very first 
> link, the following.
> (
>     Open /etc/default/grub for editing and remove "quiet splash"
>     options from the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT property.
>     For example, if your grub has this line:
>     GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"
>     Change it to this:
Are you sure ..this works on the version 11.10  as the OP asking ????

Warm Regards



Jatin Khatri


Phone (+91) 98250 20393

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