VLC 2.0.0 released (From IT News Daily)

Bill Stanley bstanle at wowway.com
Thu Feb 23 18:36:14 UTC 2012

< snip >

> Just a small "heads up" about v2 for "your" information.
> I have been running v2 for over a week or so. I use 6
> Desktops/workspaces and vlc is always used on Desktop #6 to watch
> (digital) TV. What was occurring was that when I switched to another
> Desktop vlc would lose sound until I returned to Desktop #6.
> Now, this may not affect "you", and in any case there was an update a
> couple of days ago and this problem disappeared. Simply bear this mind
> should you also strike the same loss of sound situation.

It's good to see that you already have VLC 2.0 running on Unbuntu.  I 
have been looking around and I can't seem to find 2.0 for Linux except 
in source code form.  I looked in the Unbuntu repositories and all I 
found was the old version.  I looked at the VLC website and I didn't 
find a compiled version for Ubuntu.  Where can I find it and what must I 
do to install it if 2.0 isn't the Ubuntu repository.

Bill Stanley

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