On the road again: Encryption

Christopher A. Lindsey CLindsey at GarudaLLC.com
Wed Feb 22 18:45:19 UTC 2012

Hello to list!

Well, I've been trapped behind a desk for awhile and am now going back
on the road.

I'm planning to take my laptop running Ubuntu 11.10.

I've been reading and reading about the available options for encrypting
my system and many of the articles/posts are very instructive.  However,
many of them seem very much out of date and even contradicting. 

My laptop will contain company information, client information and
personal information.  It's critical that this data not fall into
unscrupulous hands due to loss or theft. 

I would like to fully encrypt the system to ensure no data can  be
salvaged.  Especially, client information.

I'd like to use TrueCrypt as I'm some what familiar with it.  However,
with the new full disk encryption available for Ubuntu I though  it
would be a good idea to ask if anyone has any thoughts on which would be
a better option.

From what I've been reading, it appears I'd have to do a fresh install
to use either one.

Anybody have any thoughts?

Christopher A. Lindsey
Garuda LLC
PGP Key: AFD4E820 

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