Plugged in subwoofer and lost all sound

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Mon Feb 20 20:51:11 UTC 2012

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 14:30, Ric Moore <wayward4now at> wrote:
> On 02/20/2012 02:09 PM, Wade Smart wrote:
>> A friend gave me his older Altec Lancing subwoofer
>> after getting a new one. I plugged it into my sub port
>> but had no sound. I went to Sound Preferences and
>> under the hardware tab, highlighted my Internal
>> Audio card and in the Settings for the selected device
>> below changed from Analog Stereo Duplex to
>> Analog Surround 5.1 Output + Analog Stereo Input.
>> Nothing happened. After trying several of the choices
>> I lost sound all together.
>> I rebooted and noticed I heard the ubuntu start up
>> sound. I went back into the Sound Preferences and
>> under Sound Effects under Sound Theme I changed
>> from Ubuntu to No sound and back, I can hear the
>> sounds there. But when you try to play youtube or
>> or a cd or anything else with sound - there is no
>> sound at all.
> Do alsmixer first. Then the pulse audio pavucontrol second. It should be
> detected. Is that woofer self powered? Or is it just a speaker in an
> enclosure? If the rest of your speakers are self powered (built in amp) then
> the woofer would probably have to be as well ...but I'm guessing there. My
> computer with the MSI motherboard won't auto select it's builtin audio outs
> to pre-amp mode. It's trying to power my speakers like they have no amps and
> buzzes like crazy. POS. No problems with the same surround sound set up with
> my ASUS board. Ric
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It is self powered.
I unplugged the sub, restarted my computer, chose
Analog Surround 4.1 Output + Analog Stereo Input
and my normal speakers worked again.
However, the sub is not working.

I have a Shuttle pc and some older posts in various
forums say they got theirs running but... it didnt say

In out Sound preferences Output tab for Internal Sound
the settings show a Subwoofer and its set to max through
there is no sound at all.

I installed alsamixer. It doesnt show anything for the sub.
I installed pavucontrol and it crashes almost immediately
with "Connection failed: Connection Terminated". It does
show the sub and its set to 94% default with the other

Oh, Im on Ubuntu 10.04.

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