ubuntuone-launch seems to freeze at startup

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at gmail.com
Sun Feb 19 13:38:10 UTC 2012

2012/1/24 Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at gmail.com>:
> 2012/1/24 Lucio M Nicolosi <lmnicolosi at gmail.com>:
>> On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 3:59 PM, NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>>> On 01/22/2012 02:35 AM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
>>>> Ubuntu 10.10 running Gnome, Compiz and Emerald.
>>>> One day a few months ago I found that the Ubuntu one sync thing didn't
>>>> work at all. The folder right click menu in Nautilus didn't view any
>>>> Ubuntu One options and the Ubuntu One synchronisation seemed to be
>>>> broken.
>>>> Then I found that there was no ubuntuone-syncdaemon running, however
>>>> ubuntuone-launch was still running.
>>>> The obvious workaround is of course to kill ubuntuone-launch and then
>>>> restart it again, which works flawlessly every time, but obviously it
>>>> would be better to solve the problem instead of working around it.
>>>> Any ideas where to start? Anyone else experience this? If so, maybe
>>>> this is a bug? But if it is, someone else would probably already have
>>>> found it, I suppose…
>>> ...
>>> Have a look through here:
>>> <https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=ubuntuone-launch&x=0&y=0>
>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client
>>> [note: put 'ubuntu-launch' in the search box & that will narrow the bugs
>>> down to 12
>> While Dropbox "simply works" I wonder why there are
>> "3660 pages matching "ubuntuone-launch bug"
>> in Launchpad.net.
>> Mine (ubuntuone), at 11.10, has to be manually started after every
>> boot. Anyway, since I get 5GB for free, can't complain too much...
> On my second computer (an EeePC 900 with Ubuntu 11.10) Ubuntu One
> always worked and still works flawlessly, it's just my Ubuntu 10.10
> machine that has those problems. And the problem does only seem to be
> after startup. If I kill ubuntuone-launch and then start it again, it
> work flawlessly there too.
> Maybe fissling with the program start order at startup would fix the
> problem. Before doing anything else I will try the following, I think:
> Remove ubuntuone-launch from gnome-session-properties.
> Create a script that starts ubuntuone-launch after a one minute (or so) delay.
> Add the new script to gnome-session-properties.
> If this works, it seems like ubuntuone-launch is interfering with
> something, right?
> Kind regards
> Johnny Rosenberg
> ジョニー・ローゼンバーグ

I know, it's almost a month since I wrote something in this thread.
Anyway, today I finally tried to do something about this.

What I did so far, was that I removed Ubuntu One from the
gnome-session-properties and started it manually in the
ubuntuone-launch &

Now, finally, I created a (very) simple script and added it to the
The script looks (currently) like this:

<Code starts here>

sleep 300
ubuntuone-launch &
zenity --info \
	--title="Ubuntu One" \
	--text="Ubuntu One-synken har startats" \
	--timeout=20 &

while true; do
	sleep 290
	ulPID=$(ps aux | grep ubuntuone-launch | grep -v grep | \
		awk '{print $2}')
	usPID=$(ps aux | grep ubuntuone-syncdaemon | grep -v grep | \
		awk '{print $2}')

	if [[ $ulPID || ! $usPID ]]; then # The ubuntuone-launch process
probably froze.
		zenity --info \
			--title="Omstart" \
			--text="Ubuntu One-synken startas om." \
			--timeout=20 &
		if [[ $ulPID ]]; then
			kill $ulPID
		sleep 10
		ubuntuone-launch &
		sleep 10
<End of code>

I'm running it right now and it seems to work perfectly. So far it
seems that the restart loop is not necessary, but I'll keep it for a
while. I'm probably going to remove those zenity dialogues when I've
tested this for a month or so. At the moment I just want to see if it
all works out.

As you can see it wait for 300 seconds (5 minutes) before it
ubuntu-launch is started. The original Ubuntu One launcher is of
course removed from the gnome-session-properties. After a while the
ubuntu-lanch process is finished and there should be a process called
A delay of 290 seconds after that the launcher was started, the script
checks for ubuntu-launch and ubuntu-syncdaemon. If ubuntu-launch is
still running it probably froze. Same thing if ubuntu-syncdaemon is
not running. In either of these cases, ubuntu-launch is restarted
after the old ubuntu-launch process is killed, if there is one.

So, as I said, I'm testing it right now, hopefully it works.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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