Best filesystem to use for a specific type of application

Koh Choon Lin 2choonlin at
Wed Feb 15 17:40:24 UTC 2012


>> SSD would assist.  One advantage of NTFS is the ability to defrag the
>> HDD (not needed for SSD drives).  Grudgingly, Linux seems to admit
>> that magnetic drives have fragmentation & speed access variations.

That advantage is not limited to NTFS as FAT16/32, ext1/2/3/4/5,
etc... can be defrag too with a defragger. SSDs, like flash drives,
would be destroyed pretty soon if there exists too much RW operations.

I believe all modern file systems have built in technologies to
prevent excessive fragmentation, e.g. leaving space for a file to
grow. Microsoft Windows seems to run the defragger on a fixed schedule
during idle periods.

Koh Choon Lin

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