X from the sources

David C. Curtis dave.c.curtis at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 07:09:47 UTC 2012

> 2012/2/13 David C. Curtis<dave.c.curtis at gmail.com>
>> On 12-02-13 03:29 PM, Valter Nogueira wrote:
>>> Every time I think about X, windows managers, desktop environments and
>>> soon
>>> I get nuts.
>>> So, my intention is start from ubuntu server (non-gui) and install X and
>>> windows managers from the sources.
>> Could you explain what mean 'installing from sources'?
>> Starting with just the base install and adding whatever non-meta-packages
>> you wish?
>> Actually compiling Ubuntu source packages?
>> Compiling and installing from upstream?
>> It would also be helpful to understand what you are attempting to achieve
>> in the end.
>> --

On 12-02-13 07:53 PM, Valter Nogueira wrote:
> I intend download software from developer's site (I guess this is
 > what you call from upstream), compile and install it.
> It is somewhat a XSERVER from scratch but instead of starting from Linux
> from scratch I want to start from a ubuntu server console.
> Valter

First, please bottom post on the list. :)

Second, you haven't really said what your end goal is.

I would only compile it myself if I found that the Ubuntu package didn't 
support my particular set up, or I wanted to teach my self how to 
compile some complex stuff. Not worth the headache if there is no 
pressing need.

If your goal is to achieve a working desktop with one of the other 
DE/WMs that doesn't come in a meta-package, Liam has covered that.

I had good results for years with a base install (from the alternate CD) 
and putting the LXDE (not Lubuntu) on top. Using either xdm or gdm and 
choosing my own light weight apps. If this is what you are aiming for 
it's not that hard.

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