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ahmed samir samiros99 at
Sun Feb 12 16:45:42 UTC 2012

Dear All,
Jockey (hardware drivers) detect my NVIDIA driver and says it's activated and in use, however, changes to CCSM don't take effect. Jockey's description of my driver:"3D-accelerated proprietary graphics driver for NVIDIA cards.
This driver is required to fully utilise the 3D potential of NVIDIA graphics cards, as well as provide 2D acceleration of newer cards.
If you wish to enable desktop effects, this driver is required.
If this driver is not enabled, you will not be able to enable desktop effects and will not be able to run software that requires 3D acceleration, such as some games."I am using Ubuntu 10.04 with the 3.0 kernel. Is there something I am missing ?
best regards,samir 		 	   		  
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