System freeze (Nvidia / Flash)

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Sat Feb 11 13:30:09 UTC 2012

On 11/02/12 22:51, Thomas F. Duellmann wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm experiencing very strange system freezes for some time now.
> Occasionally (at least once a day) my system freezes while (or after)
> using flash content (e.g. watching youtube videos). The whole UI freezes
> (even the clock) and the only thing I can do is moving the mouse
> pointer. Any keyboard inputs do not have any effect. The system itself
> still seemed to run (because I could log on via ssh on that system).
> Finally the only thing to get it back to work is a hard reset.

Cannot help with the lock-ups but instead of doing a hard reset try 
holding down CTRL+ALT and pressing BACKSPACE 2 times. This will close 
down your window manager (the X system actually) and you will be able to 
logon but without the hard reset.


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