Is there any non free thing in Ubuntu Kernel

Arif Hossain etothepowerpi at
Fri Feb 10 07:03:41 UTC 2012

On Thu, 2012-02-09 at 11:00 +0100, Amedee Van Gasse wrote:
> On Wed, February 8, 2012 07:43, Ric Moore wrote:
> > We're getting reports that it will run on OpenJDK7 which is more closely
> > derived from Oracle Java JDK7.
> I'm pretty sure that it is the other way around, that OpenJDK7 is the
> reference implementation for Java SE 7.

That's exactly the case. Oracle worked with openjdk community for
development of java se 7. The only difference in oracle's "other"
Java is It has some class libraries which were not released initially
under GPL because Sun microsystem did not have license of those
libraries. Some third parties were the license holder who refused to
come under GPL. The "JVM" is still for both type of java is 100% GPL'd. 
Its the Class library components that's in the question. Open jdk
provides alternatives for those class libraries. 

Open Jdk is hugely promoted by oracle during jdk 7 development. So there
is no way that its being inferior to anything.
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