HP laptop overheating

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Thu Feb 9 08:56:11 UTC 2012

On 09/02/12 17:13, Olivier Pavilla wrote:
> Le 09/02/2012 05:54, Adoris9211 a écrit :
> [cut]>
>> We Chinese people say "Buy an HP, get a free heater" and "HP laptops are powerful because they have tractor engines built-in".
> You forgot to mention most of laptop sell in China (Made in China of
> course) are rubbish from mass production which can't be retail in
> western world. I bought Acer Laptop in Zhongguancun 中关村. It was noisy
> and really hot. No way to play openarena except in beijing winter.
> I had 3 probook HP. They were powerful. They were save power. More than
> 3 hours. They were not noisy nor hot neither.

I consider your remarks to be most disingenuous.

Considering that you wouldn't even be able to survive without using 
something in your daily grind which has not been manufactured in China, 
to say that you suddenly came across some laptop which was "not rubbish" 
is being, to say it nicely, just a lot of horse manure (and in polite 
company normally referred to as unadulterated 'Bullshit').


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