cannot connect to internet on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

Conny Enström uncurbed at
Tue Feb 7 22:56:33 UTC 2012

2012-02-07 23:44, ahmed samir skrev:
> Dear All,
> I have been using Ubuntu 10.04 for more than one year now with
> absolutely no problems but I recently bought the new dell xps 14z and
> installed Ubuntu 10.04 to it.
> The problem is I can't connect to the internet in any way (wireless or
> wired connection). This means that no wireless networks are detected (I
> can't even switch wireless on and off by right clicking on the network
> icon on the top right). I also can't connect by plugging in a cable
> because the cable is not detected when plugged in. I thought this was
> because this new network card is not automatically installed on this
> version of Ubuntu (like I probably had with my old laptop). I tried
> installing the driver from the dell website but they only offer windows
> support (only found ".exe" driver files there).
> Is there a way to install the driver on Ubuntu or do I have to install
> the latest Ubuntu release and hope this solves the problem ? Internet is
> functioning perfectly on windows 7 on the same machine.
> I will REALLY appreciate anyone's help :) Thank you for your time.
> Best regards,
> Samir

What is 'lspci' say from commandline?
Look for "Ethernet controller:"

If the computer model is the latest, there is no driver for the hardware 
in 10.04.

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