Firefox 10 upgrade: can't force installation of Tab Utilities add-on

Adam Funk a24061 at
Mon Feb 6 17:23:20 UTC 2012

On 2012-02-06, Basil Chupin wrote:

> On 06/02/12 02:10, Adam Funk wrote:
>> On 2012-02-04, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>> On 05/02/12 07:55, Adam Funk wrote:
>>>> I took the upgrade to Firefox 10 this morning&   have regretted it all
>>>> day.  It declared the Tab Utilites add-on incompatible&   I have tried
>>>> the following ways to make it suck it up:
>>>> 1. about:config and set all extensions.checkCompatibility* to "false";
>>>>      they were all false anyway;
>>>> 2. add extensions.checkCompatibility.10.0 and
>>>>      extensions.checkCompatibility.10.0a and set them to false;
>>>> 3. unzip the xpi file, edit install.rdf to change the value of
>>>>      <em:maxVersion>   to "99.9", zip it back up;
>>>> 4. same as #3, but with "*" instead of "99.9".
>>>> Every time, I get "Tab Utilities could not be installed because it is
>>>> not compatible with Firefox 10.0".  This is the most difficult add-on
>>>> problem I've seen yet --- even though FF 10 is supposed to be more
>>>> tolerant of this.  Any other suggestions on how to make FF accept this
>>>> add-on?
>>> Yep. Wait until  the author of this extension updates it to be
>>> compatible with 10.0. He already has been asked to update it.
>> Is this extension *genuinely* incompatible with FF 10.0?
> If it don't woik with 10.0 then it must be "genuinely" incompatible. At 
> least that's my thinking.

I'd say it's "genuinely incompatible" if it breaks FF 10 or its own
functions don't work when force-installed, but "nominally
incompatible" if it just has "maxVersion=9.*" in its configuration.
For me, that's a big difference!

As it turns out, I unpacked the old & new XPI files, then unpacked the
jars in them, and found 2 or 3 small-looking changes (besides the
maxVersion line), so maybe....

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