Is there any non free thing in Ubuntu Kernel

Tim Edwards liststuff at
Mon Feb 6 15:31:30 UTC 2012

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012, at 08:42 AM, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Feb 2012 10:12:00 +0000
> Yorvyk <yorvik.ubunto at> wrote:
> [...]
> > >
> > Having never come across a modern general purpose computer that can
> > be run with 100% free software the whole thing is a mute point anyway.
> > 
> Not so!
> Run the package, "vrms," on your box and see how close you are to
> completely free and what to dump to be completely free.  
> Mine, for instance, has flashplugin-nonfree and the nVidia driver, both
> of which it (and I) could do without.

Great package name "virtual Richard M. Stallman" but I don't think it's
that accurate. For example it didn't pick-up packages I've installed
from the partner repo - skype and adobe-flashplugin.

Either way I couldn't do without these packages and although I could do
without the others (MS TTF fonts, Virtualbox guest additions, rar/unrar,
AAC audio encoding) I'd really rather not. Not to mention that not
having the wifi firmware on my other computer (a laptop) would be an
instant deal-breaker. 


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