typing with phonetic Wx keyboard (Indic Language Hindi)

Abhishek Dixit abhidixit87 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 05:22:42 UTC 2012

Hi, I am trying to type documents in Hindi language.
My OS: Ubuntu 11.10
Gnome environment
(http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gnome-session-fallback) I
do not use unity interface.

I am able to type in Hindi in Libreoffice and gedit as well.However
this is a very difficult way of typing because I have to remember all
the English Keys corresponding to the Hindi words as mapped here
What I want to be able to do is type phonetically and not use above
kind of keyboard.
I have US English keyboard in my laptop.

See the snapshot here
I have selected the phonetic input method in Ibus window but this
still is not working as expected.
I expect to be able to type phonetically (given with above phonetic
selection) what is happening is I have to type like using a QWERTY
keyboard for Hindi language which is deviation from expected behavior.
How can I rectify or achieve correct behavior?



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