[going OT a bit] Possible threat?

rikona rikona at sonic.net
Fri Dec 21 04:20:13 UTC 2012

Hello David,

Thursday, December 20, 2012, 11:24:00 AM, David wrote:

> Further, you really can't trust anything these days.

I am coming to that conclusion too...

> Can't remember what they're called, they're those square block label
> thingies that you're supposed to point your phone at. Apparently the
> bastards have now started making up their own code blocks on sticky
> labels and plonking them over legitimate ones on advertising
> hoardings. So, don't be tempted to point your smartphone at adverts
> you're passing by on an escalator. You might find yourself infected
> with malware or being offered fake ED drugs instead of viewing that
> prestige car site. 

Interesting heads-up. Thanks.    



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