ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 100, Issue 75

Terry Lee Tucker terry at leetuckert.net
Wed Dec 19 02:00:04 UTC 2012

This is resolved by applying the following the advice here:

In 3.1.5's release, there was an error in the menu configuration that
prevented it from appearing, on GTK3-based systems only.  It didn't
affect GTK2.  So if you just upgraded to 3.1.5 that would explain why it
began happening.

Until our next release, the interim fix for this problem is at
which you should download, and then apply that patch in
/usr/share/xiphos to export-dialog.gtkbuilder:
$ sudo patch -p0 < /where/ever/you/saved/3.1.5-export-dialog.patch
Restart Xiphos and the menu should work again.

Message: 1 Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 07:00:33 -0500 From: Terry Lee Tucker 
<terry at leetuckert.net> To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com Subject: Copy 
and Paste Message-ID: <50CF0961.1060803 at leetuckert.net> Content-Type: 
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"

Greetings: I am running Ubuntu 12.04. I installed Xiphos Bible and it 
was working just fine; however, it now refuses to copy and paste. You 
can right click on a verse and a dialogue box is supposed to appear 
allowing several copy options. This no longer pops up. If I remember 
correctly, this behaviour began early last week after doing a normal 
package update. Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this 
problem? Thanks in advance...

/Terry Lee Tucker/
*The Tucker Family*

Mobile: 336-200-1941
   Home: 336-372-5432
Office: 336-372-6812

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