firefox not using acroread

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Dec 17 09:40:06 UTC 2012

On 16 December 2012 22:48, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> ...
> Mmmm, seems evince is installed, and runs fine from a terminal, but there
> is not a .desktop, for it, nor anything else in Desktop but wine and
> sketchup.  Nor is there anything linking to it in /etc/alternatives.
> Weird.

Are you sure that evince.desktop is not in /usr/share/applications?  If not try
locate evince.desktop

Not that this has anything to do with using it from firefox, you don't
need a .desktop file for that.  Assuming it is installed then you
should be able to select evince directly in firefox Preferences >
Applications.  If necessary use
which evince
to find where it is installed.


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