Changing monitor resolution on 12.04

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Thu Dec 13 20:41:15 UTC 2012

On 12/13/2012 12:21 PM, James wrote:
> I wish I could be more helpful.
> I just found this stuff after spending hours scouring the Internet for a
> solution and these "incantations" worked for me.
> I thought they might be helpful to others.
> I really can't contribute much else.

Hey thanks for trying.  I was all out of ideas and you got me thinking 
which led me to something that was right in front of me but I didn't 
realize it.

> I'm frustrated with all sorts of things that were “fixed” but not broke.
> Including:
>     Setting my display resolution
>     The ludicrous kmail2 migration abomination
>     Printer drivers that no longer allow printing to my Photosmart D7160
> Phototray
>     Networking configuration issues
> and other things.

Installing 12.04 was a nightmare compared to 10.04, on the same 
hardware. As soon as the install finished and then restarted jockey-gtk 
crashed everytime, maybe that is why I had so many weird video problems. 
When I would first startup the screens would be mirrored with a cursor 
on each one. Then I would fix that but the left screen would be black 
and the right one low res. Then I could get the left screen hi res with 
a cursor but the right screen low res and the cursor would not enter it. 
At one time I had two launchers in the left screen. One on the left side 
and one down the middle and one on the left side of the right monitor.

On the other hand I put it on my laptop with no problems, but it's video 
was ati, so I guess Nvidia is more to blame than Ubuntu.  Still it was a 
frustrating experience.

> I suppose I'll work through these things eventually but I still don't
> understand why all of these things, that used to work, are now
> “fixed”/”improved” and longer work/function as they used to.
>  From an end-user perspective Ubuntu 10-12 have been a generational step
> backward in functionality and user-interface friendly-ness...
> I could go on, but I'm not really contributing to a solution here so I'll
> shut-up now.
> Heading back into the bowels and offal of migrating my mail...
> ---
> James

Regards,  Jim

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