
Tom H tomh0665 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 8 23:05:28 UTC 2012

On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 4:19 PM, JD <jd1008 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Actually, I would love to get rid of NM altogether and
> write my own script to start wpa_supplicant.
> When I tried to run it standalone (as it was not running),
> It kept bitching about some ioctl failure, even though the args
> and syntax are exactly as has always worked in fedora,
> and I did check theman page on ubuntu - same syntax for
> args specification, and wpa_supplicant.conf specification.

Did you stop NM ("stop network-manager") before running your script?
What group did you feed to "ctrl_interface_group" in the
wpa_supplicant config? In Ubuntu it's netdev not wheel.

Anyway, there's no need for a script. You can disable NM ("echo manual
> /etc/init/network-manager.override") - or uninstall it - and add the
following to the "lo" configuration in "/etc/network/interfaces":

allow-auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
address ...
netmask ...
gateway ...
wpa-ssid ...
wpa-psk ...

> Who cares what it is LIKE??? the plethora of scripts which hare so
> poorly documented makes it a very unreliable way to configure and
> admin anything unless you have been through it many many times with
> pointers from those who came before you. This is not exactly the way
> to make ubuntu or any linux, "adoptable" by the younger gen.

I don't know how you got into the mess that you're in (although, as I
said earlier, the combination of NM, resolvconf, dnsmasq, and a static
ip is somewhat unusual) but there's no need to mess around with
scripts and configs for the great majority of users.

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