audio/video packages for ubuntu

Joep L. Blom jlblom at
Fri Dec 7 09:40:08 UTC 2012

On 07/12/12 06:22, JD wrote:
> Wouldlike to install several audio/video libraries,
> that provide flac, vorbis, wma, wmv, mpX....etc
> except I do not know the exact package names.
> How does one query the ubuntu repos using wildcards
> as is done with yum on redhat distros:
> yum list available "*flac*"
> andit lists every available package containing the word flaci
> in the "enabled" repos in /etc/yum.repos.d/
> Thanx.
Use synaptic. Normally you can find it under Applications -> System -> 
Synaptic Package Manager.
If they haven't included it because The Ubuntu rulers want you to use 
the dreadful "Ubuntu Software Center" that wants you to get a lot of 
useless packages, install it using "sudo apt-get install synaptic".

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