Macbook pro 9,2 's touchpad and keybroad didn't work in Ubuntu

Ben Stones ben at
Wed Aug 29 09:39:21 UTC 2012

If you are trying to boot from a CD it may not work and instead return 
some error and refuse to go any further - if I recall, the error may be 
similar to "cannot find a medium on[..]". You need to also burn the ISO 
you downloaded from the Ubuntu website onto a USB pen drive. In OS X, 
you can do this by following the instructions here: 
Follow each step carefully if you have not used the Terminal much before 
in OS X.

Then, when booting into the LiveCD make sure you also have the USB pen 
drive plugged in. Installation will be quite fast as your pen drive will 
be used at the point of installation.

Hope this helps.

On 29/08/12 10:00, Jactry Zeng wrote:
> Hi all,
>   I tired to install Ubuntu in my Macbook pro 9,2 (13'' 2012 mid 
> MD101), and it was quite smoothly boot Ubuntu (12.04.1 and 12.10 a1) 
> through a LiveUSB.
> But waht woeful was the touchpad and keybroad didn't work...
>   I am not sure is problem of drive? And I tired the Ubuntu 12.10, and 
> they also did't work.
>   Are there any friends installed Ubuntu in Macbook pro 9,2 
> successful? How to solve with this problem?
> Thank you~

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