UEFI BIOS and resume/suspend

Tom H tomh0665 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 25 09:33:17 UTC 2012

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 4:33 AM, Colin Law <clanlaw at googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 24 August 2012 22:09, Karl Auer <kauer at biplane.com.au> wrote:
>> On Fri, 2012-08-24 at 17:26 +0100, Colin Law wrote:
>>> If I write disabled to the file
>>> /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/power/wakeup and then suspend the
>>> keyboard no longer triggers a resume.  I got the device code by
>>> unplugging and reinserting the keyboard and running dmesg.
>>> Unfortunately when I power cycle it gets set back to enabled, so there
>>> must be something writing to it at boot.  No idea what at the moment
>>> though.
>> The right way to manipulate the /proc filesystem is to use the sysctl
>> program. See "man sysctl".
> Hi Karl, thanks for the suggestion, I can't work out (even with
> google's help) how to use sysctl to access /sys/devices.  Some links
> suggested that I should be able to use devices.pci000.... but when I
> try I get
> $ sysctl devices.pci0000:00.0000:00:1a.0.power.wakeup
> sysctl: cannot stat
> /proc/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a/0/power/wakeup: No such file
> or directory
> I can't find the devices hierarchy anywhere under /proc/sys.

If it doesn't exists under "/prc/sys/" it can't be modified by sysctl.

You'll have to use either "/etc/rc.local" or udev to set that value.

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