ULIMIT for root

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at ubuntu.com
Tue Aug 14 22:17:04 UTC 2012

On Tue, 14 Aug 2012 19:01:40 -0300
Bruno Galindro da Costa <bruno.galindro at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
>    The kernel process root's ulimit values? I'm trying to prevent
> forkbomb with root account, but no success...
>    I've changed the max number of process
> in /etc/security/limits.conf for root and non root users, rebooted
> the machine, verified that the limit is correctly set (via ulimit -u)
> but the bash forkbomob still works even with a 100 max process
> setted. But with a normal user, the kernel prevents the attack. So,
> it was processing the ulimit values only for non root users.


>     I'm doing something wrong?

No, you are not. There is no real protection against a fork bomb. I
personally find it astounding it is so, but there you go.


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