installing 32bit programs on 64Bit systems

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Aug 10 00:24:33 UTC 2012

On 08/09/2012 03:08 AM, oxy wrote:
> Hi,
> I run a 64bit ubu 12.04 and have problems installing 32bit
> applications (acroread, matlab ...)
> What is the general strategy to install 32bit apps on 64bit systems?
> Isnt there a compatibility mode?


If you are having issues installing acroread, then it's likely you've
run across a bug. Or, you've not enabled the 'Canonical Partners'
repository. acroread does show in the partner repository:


You can check to see if the repository is enabled via the Software Center:

Edit|Software Sources|Other Software|check - 'Canonical Partners' (2
packages + source code).

Can't much with matlab. Go to:
enter 'matlab' in the search box & you'll find multiple articles.
Appears a bit dated:

These might also be of interest:

I'm just guessing. You'll need to provide _details_ of the problems you
are having installing those programs.

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