WTF? several anon_inode and /dev/null listings with lsof search

Patrick Asselman iceblink at
Tue Aug 7 06:41:54 UTC 2012

On 2012-08-06 23:12, rabidblogger at wrote:
> $ lsof | grep anon_inode
> anon_inode
> $ lsof | grep dev/null
> /dev/null
> I find several anon_inodes and over a dozen /dev/null listings, in
> some listings for each there are several processes which are 
> repeated.
> I'm expecting this to be a rootkit, but none of the rootkit scanners
> find anything. Why are these two listings appearing for various
> processes? I'm not running any virtual machines, emulation, shares,
> printers, servers, etc. but these listings continue to appear, it
> doesn't matter what Linux distro I use, these continue to show, even
> when disconnected from the internet.
> What are they?
> Why are they appearing?
> How can I stop these from running? (if they're bad)
> I've searched the web and cannot find anything which explains these
> to my satisfaction.

Can you put the output somewhere for the rest of us to see? It's 
difficult to help you without knowing exactly what you have found...

Best regards,
Patrick Asselman

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