2 different distros using same /home with same user

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Sat Aug 4 19:38:57 UTC 2012

On 4 August 2012 20:34, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 4 August 2012 20:31, Hazan PĂ©rez <hapk02 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> I have a laptop with Fedora installed in it, but I want to install Ubuntu on
>> a new partition. I have a "regular" partition schema in that pc (one for /,
>> another one for /home and the swap). I want to install Ubuntu on a new
>> partition but I need to have access to my user's data in /home. I could
>> simply use my user, with the same password, but I know for a fact that this
>> would break my user's desktop config on BOTH distros... How can I do this,
>> read/write access of my user's data, without f@#&!$) up my desktop config?
> I've done this. So long as they use totally different desktops, you're fine.
> E.g. GNOME 3 + Unity = bad, but KDE + GNOME = no worries.

Might there be problems if you ran different versions of the same app
on the two distros?  They might get confused over config data and so


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