google-earth anybody?

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Wed Aug 1 17:29:42 UTC 2012

On Wednesday 01 August 2012 13:23:49 Ric Moore did opine:

> On 07/30/2012 04:04 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > So no, no metal carving machines are being operated by this machine,
> > and likely never will be.  Big Iron when I built it yes, capable of
> > running even small iron well, no.  Not without offloading much of the
> > control to dedicated boards.
> Oh, well install your nvidia drivers to it and sin no more. <grins> Ric
Humm, considering this Ric;


Are you so sure the NVidia driver is the bees knees now?

But it also begs this question:

Since the nouveau code is riddled with NVidia copyrights, right in the 
kernel src code, could it be attacked in the same manner?  I think users 
deserve to know.

Cheers, Gene
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