Text Recommendation

Ric Moore wayward4now at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 20:35:46 UTC 2012

On 04/30/2012 04:14 PM, Doug wrote:
> On 04/30/2012 03:45 PM, Nils Kassube wrote:
>> Bahn, Nathan wrote:
>>> Please accept this apology for being too vague. I'm looking for a
>>> good Linux (C.L.I.) instruction manual -- preferably one with good
>>> exercises to complete. I ask this because I'm tired of being too
>>> dependent upon the G.U.I.
>> Try to find something here:
>> <http://www.tldp.org/guides.html>
>> <http://www.gnu.org/manual/manual.html>
>> Nils
> There are some bash programming texts on the 'Net. One humongous
> one is "Advanced Bash Scripting Guide" by Mendel Cooper (About 700 pages
> altogether!) and there is an O'Reilly freebie, "bash Pocket Reference" by
> Arnold Robbins. (At least I think it was free--if not, it's very cheap.)
> An excellent command reference is another O'Reilly book that you'll have
> to buy--"Linux in a Nutshell--A Desktop Quick Reference" by Siever,
> Figgins,
> Love and Robbins. It's been published in successive editions since 1997;
> I have the sixth edition of 2009. This is a real paper book, 900 pages.
> It's the best $50 I ever spent on Linux! I use it at least once a week.
> If you could find an old RedHat or SuSE Linux manual (or pair) from around
> 2000 or earlier, before everything got GUI-fied, there was some useful
> stuff there
> that is not so easy to locate anymore. If there's a nearby Linux club,
> somebody
> may have one they might give you. I seem to have lost mine.

Heh, after they squashed system-v, half of what is in those old RedHat 
manuals is deader than a doornail. I miss the old days. I had 20 users 
telneted into our MUD on a 486 with 32 megs of memory, no sweat. You 
were a weenie if you actually rebooted. I reboot more frequently now 
that I did with Win3.1  :) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

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