Serious upgrade problem! My computer previously was 64 bit and now is 32 bit.

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Apr 30 20:07:00 UTC 2012

On 30 April 2012 18:01, Bill Stanley <bstanle at> wrote:
> ...
> Having established that the OS upgrade is in error, I now have to manually
> change from the 32 bit version to the 64 bit version without losing my data.
>  Not having to completely replace the OS before, I would like instructions
> on how best to proceed.

When you start the install choose Something Else and then select Mount
Point / for the partition that currently has your system, but do /not/
select Format.  Then when you do the install it will erase and replace
the system stuff but will not overwrite /home so your data should not
be lost.


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